Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Uncle Mike!

Mark and I had Mike's family party here this year for his birthday. I'm feeling a little more comfortable hosting bigger (well, 13 people isn't that big) functions, so I offered to do it up for him. Mike is one of my favorite people, so I really wanted him to have a fun day with his whole family! Apparently my mission was accomplished!

Mark's dad, Mike, and Mark (see any resemblance between the two of themm??)

With Mark's mom

Nothing is complete without the Bob the Builder hats...have I ever gotten my money's worth out of these!

Jack took these pictures...he's improving each day!

Honestly....if Jack didn't take my picture, there wouldn't be any of me at all!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Will's New Food and Jack's Newest Hobby

These are just a few random shots of Will enjoying his new favorite cereal, oatmeal. He's a really good eater, seems to take anything you give him. I have to say though that the cereal was not his first food, I forgot that Aunt Laura fed him sticky toffee butterscotch sauce at Moxi's. He did like that better than the rice cereal. Next week we're on to carrots and sweet potatos. As you can tell, he really gets into his food.

Jack has taken up photography. I can't leave my camera ANYWHERE that he may get it, which my memory fails to remind me of, so you can constantly hear Jack througout the house: "Smile Brother.....GOOD ONE!!! Look at that!!!". Thank goodness for digital and the erase button! I thought I'd share a few of his 'captures' from tonight.

This is Will's head and our ceiling...

All of Daddy except for his head...

Mommy folding laundry...this one isn't too bad.

The angles that he creates makes me feel rather nauseous...

This is our stool. I'm sure your day is complete now having seen this stunning piece of furniture.

When out of subjects, start the self portraits. He inherited this gene from mommy. And he actually tells himself to say cheese.

Shannon, Jack is available to do your wedding if you haven't gotten a photographer booked yet. You may need a back up for the reception though, he goes to bed at 8:00.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Visit with Great-Momma!

Yesterday I took the boys to visit my grandmother in Fergus. She is 79 years old. She's pretty awesome! She still lives on her own, and gets everywhere she needs to by cab. She made us lunch and then visited with the boys. She goes by Grandma to me and my cousins, but has decided to go by Nana to the great-grandchildren (she has 5, all boys). I told Jack we were going to see his Great Grandma, to which he replied: "Yup, Great Momma." Momma is what he decided to call my mom instead of Grandma, so I guess the association makes sense!

Nana and Will

Jack is getting really horrible to take pictures of...this is the best of 6.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happy 6 Month to Will!!!

Wow....who can believe that Will is 6 months already? Where did that time go??? He's such an awesome baby, so happy all the time, smiling and cooing, and laughing from deep in his belly. His favorite person is Jack, he starts to smile as soon as he can see him. He's constantly arching his back and neck to see where he went. It's pretty cute to watch, and being at the wonderful age of 2 (I could write another whole post about how much I'm LOVING the age of 2, haha), Jack is always eager and happy for an audience.
While at the pediatrician for his check-up, William weighed in at 17lbs, and about 26 1/2 inches. The doctor seems pleased with his progress, except for the fact that he barely can hold himself up when in a sitting position. Will had a lot of problems with his neck and back when he was born, so we're hoping it will correct itself, and we won't have to include his physical therapist.

Here is our Little Man trying to roll over. He's not quite there yet, and gets really ticked when he gets stuck.

We also introduced cereal to him as well. He lunges at the spoon and cries in between spoonfulls. This morning he was laughing hysterically at Jack while eating his oatmeal, causing quite the mess. I'll be in the shower as soon as this is done!
Here is his first attempt at the rice cereal.

Lookig so proud in his chair and bib...

First mouthful...


Here he is in his swing the first week we brought him home...

And here he is 6 months later. He's definetly growing!

Friday, January 4, 2008

New Years Eve

To start New Years Eve off, Rod and Laura ran in the Resolution Run here in Guelph. Laura just started running this year...we're pretty impressed here by how well she's done! Mark and I looked after the kids while they ran. We tried to take them to a Coffee Time across from the finish line, but of course it was closed, so we took them to the closest bar instead. I've never actually ordered apple juice in the bar before.

Before the race...


Then it was back to our house for some festivities!!!

Trying the first of MANY attempts to put Jack and Paige to bed!

After the youngest two went to bed, we played a game that Rod and Laura brought called Cranium. What a blast! I would highly recomend this game! Mark's brother, as well as Mark's neice and her boyfriend were there by this point as well, and were all set to play Men versus Women. The women lost, but not from lack of trying! The more you drink, the harder you laugh!!

Mark trying to do a charade...

Rod doing some sculpting for his team...

Ronda trying to hum "Stand By Me"...apparently I thought if I closed my eyes it would help. Maybe if I hadn't of drank so much wine it would have helped more.

Mark popping the champagne at midnight...

Happy New Year!

Mark and Mike

Mike, Laura and Mark

About 3:30 a.m. someone got the bright idea that we should teach Mandy and Jake how to dance. How noone went through our big window is beyond me.

New Years Day was an very LONG day. Happy 2008 everyone...health and happiness to everyone!!

Will's Baptism

On the 30th of December we had Will baptized. We are very fortunate to be able to have Rod and Laura (Mark's sister and brother-in-law) as William's Godparents. We were also very grateful that St. James graciously agreed to baptize Will in the Christmas season in order to accomodate Rod and Laura. We weren't able to have our normal priest, but the substituting priest was wonderful. Will was quite well behaved, he only whimpered when the priest dumped water on his head. She showed him off to the congregation, and then gave him to Uncle Rod where he happily spent the rest of the service. Jack was pretty well behaved too, although sitting in a pew and listening was not what he had in mind. After the ceremony we had the reception back at our house (the joys of having more room to entertain) which went off quite well too! A special thanks to Laura and my mom for helping with the food!

During the baptism

Jack enjoying the prayer book in the CENTER of the aisle, right before he almost got trampled by the choir.

Will and his Godparents

Mark's Uncle Bill and William...this is who we named Will after, he's also Mark's Godfather

What a handsome guy!

God Bless him!

I stole this pic from Laura, but thought I'd show what happens when you eat too much of the Blessing Cake...