Sunday, March 16, 2008

Will's Hospital Visit!

A week ago Will woke up late at night throwing up. He continued to throw up for most of the night, and then started again in the morning. I decided to take him up to Emergency just to have him checked out, and they almost instantly admitted us. Our pediatrician told us that they would hydrate him through IV for 24 hours, then we could go home. Unfortunatley, Will didn't respond to the fluid they gave him, and continued to get more and more dehydrated, and was still pretty sick. He was in isolation, meaning we needed gowns to hold him, and we couldn't take him out of the room. By Saturday night, he had spiked a temperature, and still wasn't taking anything by mouth. He usually eats about 32 ounces a day, and was eating about 5 ounces a day in there. We were pretty worried. The virus he had when we went in is called Rotavirus, and we're still awaiting the results of some of the tests to see what his secondary infection was, but we're VERY happy to be home, and Will seems to be on the mend. Our 24 hour stay turned into 6 nights. He lost a bit of weight, but we're confident he'll put it back on in no time!

With daddy in the ER...

Every time I brought out the camera, Will started grinning despite feeling so crummy.

Hanging out with Daddy....

Nanny was there every day for MANY hours at a time. She was awesome.

While mommy went home to have a shower, daddy spent a few hours with Will. This was on my camera when I got back!

Momma came almost every day too! Her and Boppa kept Jack all weekend which was a HUGE treat for him!

Auntie Lori came every day too during her lunch break! Uncle Mike brought mommy a small ocean of Tim Horton's coffee, and Aunt Sharon came to visit as well.


Unknown said...

Even sick as a dog, he's still as cute as a button!

Ralph Sarc said...

William is to sweet to be sick! We're so glad he's better!

Ralph and Beth.