Mark's best friend got married in October. As the pictures prove, Mark made one smokin' hot best man, and Jack was the cutest, sweetest ring bearer in the world. He did everything he was supposed, including having an hour nap in the limo. It was such a great day!!
Here he comes!! Rehearsal time!!!
Best friends for 32 years!!
Ready to rock...
Me and Jack...
Mark and Mike...
Quite clearly we make a lovely couple.
Boppa's birthday turned out to be more than just a party, Will finally took 4 steps on his own at the age of 15 1/2 months!! It was cool to have mom and dad here to see it!! Jack took the time to make Boppa his birthday cake...for one cake he used 4tubes of icing and 5 vials of sprinkles. While we appreciated his decorator talent, 5 vials of sprinkles makes things taste like you dropped it in sand. Sweet sand mind you, but verrrrry gritty.
The completed project!!
Boppa and his boys!
Will and Jack loved Halloween this year...all Jack wanted to be was Spiderman. We went together to get his costume, and he fell in love with it instantly!! However, we had to really bribe him to keep his mask on!!
Pumpkin time!!
Will was a little unsure of the gunk...
Will got his first time-out for hitting, as you can see it was totally worthwhile.
Our little Soldier-to-Be was a hit at the Remembrance Day parade. It makes me so proud at how much he gets from this, and how much he loves it. He will very adamantly tell you that he's going to be a soldier when he's a big boy. He's starting to ask more questions now that are a little harder to brush off, but we do our best without being brutally honest with him. Recently Mark's brother-in-law and sister lost a really good friend in Afghanistan, and even more recently one of my best friends lost her cousin over there as well. It really opens your eyes. Jack got to go for a tour of the Guelph Armoury as well, and he LOVED it. He still talks about the trucks he got to help load, and the 'thousands' of soldiers he got to see.
At the parade. He made every single newspaper in Guelph for these shots (courtesy of the Guelph Mercury), and made the Highlights of 2008 as well.

At the Armoury...
So, thats another 2 months down. I swear to have this thing updated by the end of the week.
Ronda xoxoxox