Here is Jack taking his turn at "Pin The Flag on the Pole" was the most festive game I could think of...
Ariana taking a turn at the pinata, which was a VERY tough bee to break...
Jack trying his strength which proved to be fruitless too...
So we brought in the big guns, which got it broke enough that the kids could finish it off...
They sure start young these days, Ariana is only 21 months!
Happy Canada Day!!
We had a bonfire after dinner, and let off some are our neighbors Brad and Ann, with Emily!
Sometimes when Mark drinks, he forgets we live in the city. Thanks to this, we now have a massive dead spot in our yard.
For the actual day, I took the boys to Aberfoyle for the Canada Day Breakfast at the Community Center, which ended back at my parents house with a typical ride on the lawn tractor for Jack, with Will taking his first turn too!
Will was not enthused to have missed his morning nap.
That night we went with Uncle Shawn, Aunt Nicole and Cooper to see Uncle Mike and Aunt Carolina who were staying in town. We took Jack to Riverside Park to watch some fireworks. Will slept right through them!
Here they are waiting for the show to start!
Jack found the best seat in the house!
Uncle Shawn, Aunt Nicole, and Coop watching the fireworks!