Wow....who can believe that Will is 6 months already? Where did that time go??? He's such an awesome baby, so happy all the time, smiling and cooing, and laughing from deep in his belly. His favorite person is Jack, he starts to smile as soon as he can see him. He's constantly arching his back and neck to see where he went. It's pretty cute to watch, and being at the wonderful age of 2 (I could write another whole post about how much I'm LOVING the age of 2, haha), Jack is always eager and happy for an audience.
While at the pediatrician for his check-up, William weighed in at 17lbs, and about 26 1/2 inches. The doctor seems pleased with his progress, except for the fact that he barely can hold himself up when in a sitting position. Will had a lot of problems with his neck and back when he was born, so we're hoping it will correct itself, and we won't have to include his physical therapist.
Here is our Little Man trying to roll over. He's not quite there yet, and gets really ticked when he gets stuck.

We also introduced cereal to him as well. He lunges at the spoon and cries in between spoonfulls. This morning he was laughing hysterically at Jack while eating his oatmeal, causing quite the mess. I'll be in the shower as soon as this is done!
Here is his first attempt at the rice cereal.
Lookig so proud in his chair and bib...

First mouthful...


Here he is in his swing the first week we brought him home...

And here he is 6 months later. He's definetly growing!