Christmas Eve was at my parents house. We have the Hayden family Christmas with my dad's family, then have our own family Christmas afterwards. It was busy and late, but overall things went really well. Here are a few pictures...
Will and my cousin Gerry

Jack and Will on Uncle Kevin and Aunt Lori's gift to them

Jack with his cousins Kennedy and Owen

Boppa and his two boys

Will in his new rocking chair. Jack thinks it should be his, even though he already has one!

Jack in Uncle Kevin and Aunt Lori's gift. Inside the BIG present was a whole bunch of presents. Nice thinking, Uncle Kevin.

THEN.....we drove home from my parents house. We got onto our street and I pushed the button for the garage door. Mark then told me that Santa had come early. When the door got all the way up, all I could see was my BRAND NEW DODGE NITRO!!!!!!! Apparently I was a VERY good girl this year, and someone loves me a whole lot! I couldn't believe it! I quickly helped Mark put the kids in bed (maybe not so much help), and ran back down to the garage to sit in it. I love it! It's the hottest ride in the world!

After all that excitment, I still had to finish getting ready for the next day. After Santa had done his thing, I took some pictures of what he left for the boys. Between the new car and my excitement for Jack in the morning, I hardly slept at all!

Jack with his new vaccum

Will in his new Excersaucer

Construction Man Jack

He also really got the hang of opening presents!

Daddy helping Will

At my aunt and uncles...a whole new sea of presents!

Helping Boppa and Momma open their present

Will and Jordan

At Mark's mom and dad's friends for Mark's family Christmas. Linda bought these reindeer antlers for all the kids and wanted a photo of them all together. It was not the easiest thing in the world to try and manage, and not something all the kids wanted to participate in at the same time. Unfortunatley, this is the best photo I could get!

LOVE this photo...Aunt Laura is getting some serious cuddle time in before she heads back home!

Mommy and Rod...the antlers really completed our outfits!

Thats another Christmas over! Best wishes to eveyone, hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!!!!!!!!!!!