Jack and Will were pretty spoiled this year, they got TWO Santa Claus Parades to watch! Mommy and daddy are a little fonder of the Aberfoyle Parade as it is WAY smaller, so you only freeze for a brief time. Jack loves the parades, but his favorite thing is the Pipe Band. And the candy of course!
Jack and Daddy at the Guelph Parade...

With Elmo...

Our friends Melanie, Michael and Baby Colin, who was born a few hours after William!

Pretty hot stuff, don't you agree??


Loving his new hat!

Daddy hanging the Christmas lights which is his FAVORITE event!

Gearing up for parade #2 in Aberfoyle!!!!!

Jack and Mallory


Our drunk penguin...when it's actually inflated, it looks like it's having seziures.

Our first Christmas in our new house...all decorated up.

Shovel time!