We have had a pretty busy fall around here! We've been able to do lots of entertaining in our new home, which is great for us as we love to entertain and never had the room to before! Also given that fall has been so beautiful weather- wise, we've been able to enjoy the outdoors too!
On October 7 Mark and I got to host the very first Sharpe Squad Thanksgiving! I've never cooked a turkey before, and was quite excited! We cooked dinner for about 12 people, and overall it turned out really well!
From this.....

To this!

My very festive table...Martha would be proud!

The Sharpe's spent an afternoon with Uncle Mike and Aunt Sharon, and Sharon's daughter Cassie at Chudleighs Apple Orchard on October 13. The weather was pretty good, and we all had a great time!
Jack only rode in his stroller for a VERY short time. After that, Uncle Mike said he felt really stupid pushing around an empty stroller. Jack is getting pretty independent, and would rather walk/run. He was pretty good though, we only had to chase him a few times!:)
Here are Jack and Uncle Mike at the petting zoo...

And here is Jack feeding some animals. He didn't quite get the hang of it till the very end, he spent more time throwing the food at the animals. He loved it though!

Nothing is complete without a 2 year old covered in ketchup and corn!

Uncle Mike, Jack and daddy...can anyone spot the family resemblance?

He wouldn't ride in his stroller, but a wagon (designed for fruit) was okay for Master Jack!

This is the best pumpkin pic I could get!

We went back to Uncle Kevin and Auntie Lori's lot the next day. They are going to start building their new home any day! The lot they have was all bush, and they had to have a logger come down from up north and clear the lot for them. We are so excited for them!

I can't imagine anything cooler than living in the country with all those trees!