long it's been since I updated this thing!! Life with two boys is so incredibly busy...but so much fun too. We have had such a great few months, I didn't even know where to start. In order to bring this blog up-to-somewhat-date, I had to go all the way back to July. Hope you enjoy.....I'll do my best to try and make much better use of my free time, and get this thing updated more often!!
The Sharpe Squad
Our baby turned one....where the heck did that year go?? We had a party for him with our family and another small one with the neighbors and our friends. He got right into the whole party thing....and man oh man, did he love that cake.
His very own cake...


Looks like he'll put his size to good use....he loves the football!!

We had some wonderful, hot summer days....perfect for sprinklers!!

Have you ever seen such a handsome boy?????

Mark's best friend Mike got married in October. His fiance had her wedding shower at the Cutten Club this summer, which was themed "High Tea". It came complete with some fancy hats!!
Me and Mark....

The groom and his best man...

Mike's sister Sarah and of the nicest people you will ever meet!!

For my 30th (yikes) a bunch of us went to Moxies for dinner, and then headed out to the Ranch. One of my childhood friends who has been out of the country for a few years came up for the night. It was great to party it up with her again, as well as some great friends and neighbors.
Mark and Will couldn't keep their eyes off the waitress. Wonder why??

Me and Kim at the end of the evening....

We had tons of great weekends at the cottage this summer too...Will loves the boat and the water, and Jack just loves everything that comes with the place. It's one of his favourite places to be!
Jack insists on putting on his own sunscreen....

Bubbers generally falls asleep instantly...

Loving brothers...

Loves being here!!

Great corn this year!!

I volunteered to be a parent on Jack's daycare trip to the zoo. I forgot how much I love the school bus (yeah, right), and I never anticipated how well behaved thirty 1-4 year olds could be (yeah, RIGHT). It was fun to spend some one-on-one time with Jack, and he had a great time.

Anyone who knows us knows how much we love football....more specifcally the Pittsburgh Steelers. Mark got tickets to go see them play the Bills in Toronto. Mark, his brother and I headed down for a great night. We had a wicked time even though they lost. Mark and I can't wait to go see them play in Pittsburgh sometime!!
My very excited hubby before the game...

Us, loving the game.

We rented a trailer one weekend this August and went camping at Valens Conservation Area. The boys had a wonderful time and loved the beach and sleeping in the trailer. They loved it so much that Mark bought the family tent trailer so that we can have more wonderful weekends next summer too!!
Our rented home...

Bubbers on the beach, loving the taste of sand. Yuck.

Jack loves the sand too!!

My parents live not too far from the campground, so they came up for dinner. Here's my dad with his tank-like grandson....there's obviously nothing wrong with Will's appetite...look at that gut!!

Back at the beach...

Bubs and daddy in the water...

Anual family trip to Moparfest.....we got to take the Charger this year. It's so fun to watch Mark in his glory with all them classic Dodge's, but it's really cool to see Jack loving it too. He gets almost as excited as Mark!!

We live on a great street, complete with some wonderful neighbors. One of our neighbors organized a Progressive Party, whic is basically a travelling party. Most of us took a turn hosting, and we spent an hour at each others house before moving onto the next house, with a whole new "signature drink" and snacks. There was some mighty drunk people on the street that night, but one of the funniest nights I've ever had.
The first house...thanks Rob and Jim!!

Brad finishing off the Sex on the Beach drink, right out of the bowl...I do believe this was the beginning of the end for him.

Me and Wendy....

The girls of the evening.....

Jack at the Mighty Machine Show in Kitchener. There's a whole bunch of machinery and big trucks that allow kids to go through them and pretend to drive. A perfect day for Jack!!
Jack and his best friend Owen


Bubbers is maybe not going to work in the excavation department...

Mark's dad retired this Septmeber. We had a party for him at the Country Club, and finished the day off at a family friend's house for a BBQ. It was a great day!!
Mike, Mark, Laura, Dave and MaryLou.

Dave and some of his past employees...

My two handsome boys...

Mark and Kenny, who was Dave's apprentice many years ago when he owned his own garage.

Friends and family in Ian and Linda's backyard...

Wellington Motors threw him a retirement lunch, and surprised him with this sign!!

Enjoying some nice fall weather....

Momma's birthday dinner at Uncle Kevin and Aunt Lori's house...

Jack now takes skating lessons every Saturday morning. He likes it alright, and isn't too bad at it, but would much rather sit and watch the other kids. So, to sum it up, we paid $400 for our 3 year old to "People Watch". Ugh.